Conference Schedule



Our gathering this year will commence at on the evening of Friday, October 5, with a casual gathering and an opportunity for presenters to meet with their actors.  The conference will conclude by around 3pm on Sunday, October 7, with a jam-packed, fun-filled series of events in between. (specifics subject to change, of course)

Friday, October 5, 2018

7pm Registration opens (Chapel)

Your swag awaits, along with yummy snacks and space and time to work with your assigned actors and greet the other attendees.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

9:00am Coffee and Pastries (Pines House)

9:30am: Paper Session 1

Timothy Moore, Anapests and Medea’s Revenge
Robert Hornback, Plautine Improvisation and Classical influence on Renaissance Popular Clowning
Timothy Wutrich, Impasse on Stage: Building a Closed Space in Euripides’s Iphigenia in Aulis
Hans Bork, The Woe of Translating Comic ‘Vae’

11am: Keynote – William Levitan, Theatrical Seneca: Conversations With an Awkward Guest

Noon: Box lunch

1:15pm: Paper Session 2

Lizzy Ten-Hove and Krishni Burns, She Said/She Said: Staging Sexual Coercion in Aristophanes’ Assemblywomen
Jeanne McCarthy, Quintilian Reading Euripides: The Promotion of Classical Performance in the Early Modern Era
Jocelyn Moore, Constructing Apollo’s Domos: the skene and the oikos in Eumenides and Ion
Amanda M. Rogus, One Collective Sensation in the Greek Chorus Line: A Performance Reflection of Oedipus

4pm: Medea by Euripides

5:30pm: Talkback

7pm: Dinner (Jack Lounge, Smith Hall)

Sunday, October 7, 2016

9:00am: Coffee and pastries (Pines House)

9:30am: Paper session 3

Fiona Harris-Ramsby, Depoliticizing Aristophanes: Onassis Cultural Center’s The Birds
Wilfred Major, Polemon’s Character in the Opening Scenes of Menander’s Perikeiromene
Ruth Caston, Presence in absence: offstage characters in Terence
Natalie Sheppard, The Stage on the Page: The Representation of Greek Stagecraft in Matt Fraction and Christian Ward’s ODY-C

11:00am: Keynote – Peter Meineck, The Mask and the Mind: An Exploration.

Noon: Box lunch

1:15pm: Paper session 4

Emily Jusino, Judas as Deianeira? Parallels Between Jesus Christ Superstar and Sophocles’ Trachiniae  
Christian Fernandez, “O light of the sun…I feel you warm my flesh”: The Tangibility of Light as Judge and Guide in Oedipus at Colonus
Robert Groves, Rescripting Senecan Performability in Agamemnon Act 1
Al Duncan, The Mask as Affective Object in Euripides’ Medea

4pm: Medea (again, if you like)

All events in the Mabel K. Whiteside Greek Theatre (“The Dell”) or in Houston Memorial Chapel, unless otherwise noted.  This map shows the locations: